I do plan on writing an actual post soon, but for now here are a few new pics of the house. Still a little boring, but at least there is now something to show on the inside. They are supposed to be installing lighting today. We're still on schedule to close on October 8th, and I can't wait!!! My interior paint colors actually turnd out to be a good bit lighter than I had wanted, so I'll probably be spending some time at good ol' Home Depot picking out new colors, but I guess lighter is better than darker. And, who knows? Maybe once the flooring and everything else is in I'll like it...
Front of the house (notice the SOLD sign!)
Front Porch
Back Patio


Another view of the den


One of the guest bedrooms

Guest Bathroom

Master bedroom

Another view of master with my 2 walk-in closets...can't wait to fill them up!

Master bath
My tub...where I'll relax after an 11 hour work day like yesterday! :)