One of my best friends and current landlord ;), Heather, is moving on up in the world! She has decided to leave her hometown and see what the Lord has in store for her elsewhere. All that is certain right now is that she is temporarily moving in with her sister and her husband in Dallas until she figures it all out. Please say a prayer for her as she heads off on this journey! I don't worry at all that she will not find the perfect opportunity. She is such a smart, fun and great girl, and she has a voice like no one else. I can see her going off to sing on Beth Moore's praise team or something exciting like that!
Anyway, what this means for now is that her cute house in Madison has just gone up for sale. It would be a great opportunity for a young single person, newlyweds or someone older who might be looking to downsize. I'm posting a few pictures below if you or anyone you know might be interested. The house is in Post Oak/North Place subdivision (it is on the edge of both) in Madison and she is asking $137,500. Comment, email or call me if you want more info!

Also, last Friday I took one of my babies, Max, to get his annual shots. His coat has gotten VERY matted up recently, so I asked if they could groom him while he was there. Groom him they did! They said he fought it so much that they had to gas him up and shave his entire little body, even his tail! Poor baby...his hair is just so fine that it has to be this way. They put a little bow in his hair even though he's a boy. I think he looks so cute! I don't know if it was the gas, or just the fact that I "saved" him from the vet that afternoon, but he was loving and kissing all over me on the ride home! What a sweet baby!
Hey Christi, this is Lisa (Barbee) Nooe. Katy Ray is a good friend of mine and I think we met once through her. Anyway, I have a friend that is looking for a place in that very neighborhood. Can you give me the address and also is it 3 BR/2 BA, how many sq. ft. and all that stuff?? Thanks so much! -Lisa
Hey Lisa! Of course I remember you! The house is 3br/2ba, 1337 sq.ft. Email me at and I'll send you the flier with more information! I would rather not post the address on the blog where anyone can see it. Thanks!
So excited for her. Why don't you buy it? What a sweet picture of you pup. Love the new look.
Thanks, Christi!! I'm glad you like it (Pan-Asia). We're so glad the new location is open now! I'm just ready for the fall so it will actually be fun to sit outside and eat on the patio! haha. :)
it was so good to see you tonight...send me your email address...alicia
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